I will start out by saying that being 'uplugged' was very very difficult.
There were times, like last Thursday night when my dear husband put on Real Housewives of New York City in our room--and he knew exactly what he was doing I mind you--and I had to watch. I mean, come on, I love that show-- in fact I love all the Real Housewives shows. So a little cheating did go on. But I will happily say, I never turned on the tv during the day or on my time at night. Not one time. I could, in all honesty, live without the television. I do have some shows that I thoroughly enjoy, but if I had to miss them ah well. I do like being able to turn on Nick Jr. for Lyla in the morning while I shower and get ready though-- so that would be missed! haha. I also never turned on my computer to check blogs or emails (not once). I did very well with not checking Facebook on my phone until Saturday night when Chris and I were out at The Mumford and Sons concert--and I may have had a glass (or three) of beer-- and I checked my Facebook! haha. Ah well. I did really well for such a cold turkey cut off!
But, the most important thing about this week long exercise for me was to not waste time on the computer or with the television. So I feel that I absolutely accomplished that goal. And when the babies were napping I was not allowed to surf the Internet, update my blog, or check Facebook--which I really liked because I got a lot of other things done. Also, at night I was able to get a lot done too. That was nice. I think that parts of this exercise will stay with me, at least I am hoping. I now have made a rule with myself that I am not allowed on the computer in the morning until all else is done. I am very active in the morning--when I want to be--and have more of an impetus to get things accomplished if I never open the computer in the first place. Another rule will be no matter how badly I want to take a break and sit down once the kids are both napping, I can't and won't, until all chores are done. If the chores are not done--then I will not sit. (I think if I sit I will have more of a chance of not getting back up until the Little's wake.) And that is a big waste of time and nothing important gets done.
So, that is where I am at today.
That first night of being unplugged I felt very strange. I was ironing and not able to watch tv to pass the time...so I had a lot of time to think. All I could think about for some reason was wanting to turn on the television. I was like a little kid who is told that they cannot have something and it only makes them want it more! haha. I could honestly care less if I can watch tv, but for some reason I feel like I am entitled to do so while ironing. Strange, right? So, instead I turned on music. And then, I thought more and more about technology. Seriously, it was on my mind so much. I thought about how difficult, yet simple, people's lives were before all of this. I thought about the technological advances even in my 30 year lifespan. Chris and I talked about what it was like before there was answering machines, voicemails, and cell phones. Before there was Facebook, and blogs, and emails. It is all pretty amazing to think about. My children will always be a part of this fast pace technological age. They will grow up trying to share attention from cell phones, televisions, and computers. Where has the simple gone? Where has sitting down for dinner (or coffee) with someone and really listening gone? I swear, if you go out to a restaurant you will see a million cell phones on the tables, held to someones ear, or in hand...it is sad really. (And believe me, I just as guilty as the next guy.) But because of all of this I have started to think about how sad it all is. The other night Chris and I were sitting at dinner--he had made a delicious flat bread pizza--and I was on my cell phone on Facebook and he was on his either texting or playing poker. Luckily, at that moment my mind went outside of my body and looked down on the two of us and felt such disappointment. I stopped right there and put my phone away, and that is when I realized that I needed to be unplugged. Instead of sitting and conversing with one another, with my best friend, I was too occupied and so was he. We were taking time away from each other to basically waste our time. And then I got to thinking, doesn't Chris (or my friends) deserve more than that? When I am at dinner can't I take time away from all technology (including the television?) Can't I give those people my full attention and time? yeah I can. So these are some of the things that have been on my mind.
The only negative that has come out of this has been the amount of blog posts I now have to catch up on. It even feels daunting with all of the adorable photos I have sitting on my camera just waiting to be blogged! haha. I will get to them, I promise. But in due time, because believe me I will not sit here all night and try to catch up while life passes me by!
Have any of you thought about this?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
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